About Us

The Indigenous Defence & Infrastructure Consortium (iDiC) was established because of Indigenous owned and controlled businesses seeking to participate in the delivery of long-term Nation building projects. Projects which build sovereign capability and infrastructure, offering longer term contracts and relationships with clients and meaningful participation of the Indigenous business sector.
Energised and enthused by the National Innovation and Science Agenda, Indigenous entrepreneurs have rallied together to become a key cog in the supply chain of prime contractors in the Defence Industry.
As a supply chain aggregator, the iDiC focuses on identifying business opportunities for its Indigenous business consortium partners. It then presents turnkey solutions providing a de-risked integrated offering to its clients. The iDiC is able to navigate the supply chain requirements of large companies, which are somewhat daunting for small to medium enterprises, and prequalify as an approved supplier. By taking this approach Indigenous businesses are getting access to contracts which they normally would not have been able to as a stand-alone business.
Value Proposal
To break the back of poverty of Indigenous communities by developing Indigenous Entrepreneurs and growing sustainable businesses.
The Indigenous Defence & Infrastructure Consortium (iDiC) is a single point deployment project and account manager, providing a diverse range of services via its consortium partners, all of whom are Indigenous owned businesses. With a national footprint, the iDiC has proven capability in a range of direct and indirect procurement services to support large defence and infrastructure projects. These services include: facility services and construction, professional services and administration, engineering services, consumables, PPE, workwear, apparel, gifts, logistics and warehousing, graphics, photography, IT and telephony.
The iDiC provides a channel for our clients to engage with the Australian Indigenous business sector; enhancing the overall competitiveness of their Supply Chain, whilst fulfilling their Indigenous engagement and policy requirements.
With over 80 Indigenous Supply Nation certified businesses, the iDiC offers value for money low risk solutions to our clients to engage with Indigenous business. Current clients of our partners include over 25 federal and state Government departments and 30 of Australia’s top 100 companies.
As a participant in the ongoing defence capability and infrastructure program, the iDiC provides real long-term capability building and jobs to Indigenous Australians including training and education to Indigenous youth via internship programs.
In addition to providing career pathways and development for Indigenous Australians, iDiC strongly supports Veteran employment post service and the continued commitment to service of Australia within the Defence Industry. We are committed to providing employments outcomes and the development of Veteran careers post service. Furthermore iDiC supports partners of current serving members and those who continue to provide Defence capability through Reserve Service. We invite any Veteran or those continuing to serve in a Reserve capacity to disclose upon applications to iDiC.

Client Benefits

- Strategy advice
- Business development support with specific bids
- Community and business engagement
- Marketing, media and communications
- Client global activities
- Mitigate risk – one stop shop
- Grow Indigenous offer in supply chain
- Support client’s downstream suppliers
- Regular spend and engagement reporting
- Grow Indigenous business capability
- Prequalification of Indigenous Businesses (IB)
- Aggregate suppliers to deliver a service
- Help achieve Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) targets
- Incubate Indigenous businesses